
The Sky Of Baronie

Welcome to this site, dedicated to the beauty of the sky of Sardinia...

Versione inglese

Ephemerides of Mercury

The Ephemeris of Mercury have been calculated for my observation point, the times are expressed in Local Civil Time, and the apparent geocentric equatorial coordinates were calculated for the 0.0 hours of the day indicated and refer to the average equinox of the date.
In the calculation of equatorial coordinates the (T.T) Terrestrial Time count was taken into consideration by applying a correction of 67 seconds (U.T), including the Light-Time correction.
For the calculation I used the algorithm described by authors JEAN MEEUS and P.D. SMITH.
At the bottom of the page you can find some useful instructions on how to insert this chart inside your site with the possibility of configuring it with the coordinates of your location.

Location: IRGOLI (Italy) LAT. 40° 24' 42" North - LONG. 9° 38' 8"East - ALT. 30m.a.s.l.

Copy and paste this list into your Web page.

<iframe name="mercurio" src="" width="214" height="470" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

Ephemeris table of Mercury for the next 30 days

How to insert this chart in your site:

Copy and paste this list onto your Web page, in the seciton<head></head>
right after the tag<title>                                                       Listing (1)

Copy and paste the codes for the style sheet (CSS),
in the section Style Block, or create an external file.
This listing is not fundamental but it serves to draw the chart of
the ephemeris, just like the one on this page.                                   Listing (2)

Copy and paste the last listing in the section <body></body>
Replace the values LAT, LON, ALT with those of your location.                    Listing (3)

Change default parameters:

Warning! The calculation will not be made for negative values of the iterations.
More information on how to insert a table of ephemerides, were included in the page Ephemeris Sun.

Use Astrojs:

The use of the library Astrojs.js is free, I ask that you not eliminate the author's name (inside the list) and do not consider me liable for any errors or damages caused by the use of these macro.
Any reports on viruses, errors and/or other suggestions are welcome. Have fun!

Riferimenti bibliografici:
JEAN MEEUS - Astronomia con il computer. ( Hoepli-1990 ) - PETER DUFFETT-SMITH -Astronomia pratica. ( Sansoni Studio 1981 )
FRANCESCO ZAGAR -Astronomia sferica e teorica ( Zanichelli 1988 )

Copyright ©2010 - Salvatore Ruiu
All Rights Reserved.

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